This was our first long drive just as a family. A visit to New York city. Atleast two days before the drive, my head was spinning just thinking about it, thinking of the rush in NY not sure how the vacation was going to be. If it was the right choice. As we began driving, the drive was not that bad, we were entering Pensylvannia during the night and could see the mountanious Silhouette, I decided the drive back should be during the day. We reached New York middle of the night after meeting our cousins over. I just fell in love with the crowd, people walking all over aimlessly looking around. Men in their suits at 1 AM in the morning. street mongers, cyclysts. I can just keep going on and on. The drive back was so refreshing, driving through the mountains was a treat. I was engrossed in my own world and enjoyed driving. I loved something about New York, not sure if it is the crowd, not sure if it is away from my work(abandoned my laptop this trip) but I just loved being away from the day to day routine. May be thats what it is! A break from the daily rutt even though you get to the busiest spot for vacation.